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CASE STUDY: NSW Forensic Hospital

Honeywell manage the communication services for the NSW Forensic Hospital, which is a high security mental health facility for mentally ill patients who have been in contact with the criminal justice system, and high-risk civil patients. The hospital is an integral part of the Forensic Mental Health Network.

The facility management identified that there was zero connectivity in numerous high-risk areas of the hospital that needed to be connected for the staff to operate safely.

Installation Challenges

As part of the security arrangements and conditions for entering the Forensic Hospital, all contractors had to apply and gain formal access approval. Tools had to be checked in every day before commencing work on-site and checked out a the end of each day. Work locations had to be shut down to relocate patients to alternative areas before work could commence.


The new external antennas now pick up a suitable cellular signal and the system distributes the signal through the entire facility. Staff in the hospital can now operate safely as they are able to use their phones for emergency purposes throughout the facility, eliminating any OHS issues related to poor connectivity.

The following photos show the other materials used to implement the systems.

The images below show the repeaters inside an internal cabinet for a system.

The following photos show the installed donor antennas in the roof space. Each mast has a donor antenna for each carrier.


The following photos show the installed internal antennas in different locations of the hospital.

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