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Liquefied Natural Gas Field WiFi Deployment Case Study

Business Profile

One A8 Super WiFi Base Station is enough to provide 360-degree coverage to the dormitories within a 1 km range.

The Challenge

The site is located just north of Port Moresby, the backhaul is provided by a satellite link. CJJV required long range wireless technologies so as to minimise the number of installation sites for cost saving.

Provide signal coverage over the entire large, high density dormitory area. Support high user capacity to cope with heavy usage, particularly after working hours.

The Papua New Guinea liquefied natural gas (PNG LNG) project is a new gas project championed by ExxonMobil to realise the potential of three large gas discoveries in the southern and western highlands of the country.

Many engineers and workers live on site and require high performance Internet access for web surfing and communication after work. The Chiyoda-JGC (CJJV) joint venture needed a rapid solution for its wireless network and they chose Altai Technologies products to access the high speed WiFi network.

Owing to the geographical environment of the site, only satellite can be used as backhaul.


The Solution

The A8 base station was installed at the central area of the dormitory site to provide 360-degree coverage. The Altai C1’s were installed in different buildings to extend the outdoor WiFi signal and to provide indoor coverage.  The backhaul was provided by a satellite link.

This supplied a complete end-to-end solution including service control, billing and pre-paid card systems.

Products used

  • Altai A8 Super WiFi Base Staion
  • Altai C1 Super WiFi CPE’s

The Result

The Altai A8 achieved a line-of-sight range of over 1km to provide high speed wireless connectivity throughout the dormitories. The wireless Internet service is subscribed on a pre-paid basis. People staying at the site may obtain a network access PIN by buying a pre-paid card. There are over 800 users accessing the network daily.

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