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Powertec Wireless Technology launches Next Generation National Coverage Model

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NCM Press Release PDF

[Gold Coast 30/04/2024] – Today, Powertec Wireless Technology (Powertec) introduces the National Coverage Model (NCM), a groundbreaking cloud-based platform used to analyse the coverage and performance of Australia’s 4G and 5G networks.

Empowering technology professionals with insights never before available, NCM revolutionises the way cellular technologies can be deployed and optimised.

The platform is the first of its kind. It provides a true, high-resolution snapshot of Telstra, Optus, and Vodafone 4G-5G networks across the entire country and out to sea. With an intuitive and familiar interface, users can check and compare mobile coverage for any location in the country with unparalleled accuracy.

NCM enables technology professionals to plan, deploy, and optimise wireless solutions reliant on 4G and 5G connectivity right from their web browser. For consultants and property developers, the platform provides indispensable insights into the availability and speed of 4G- 5G mobile networks, whether the task is understanding mobile coverage of a new subdivision, drone BVLOS flight planning, or identifying blackspots along a traffic corridor.

The NCM offers a comprehensive suite of features, including:

  • Coverage checking: type in an address or GPS coordinates to check the availability of Telstra, Optus, and Vodafone 4G-5G at that location.
  • Signal Strength Prediction: obtain a signal level estimate (RSRP), based on real-world data, with a single click.
  • Mobile data speed prediction: understand the performance capabilities of the 4G-5G network, and how data speed is impacted by terrain, vegetation, and buildings between you and the tower.
  • Identify best and alternative serving cell towers: understand which tower is providing signal to a location, along with alternatives for effective emergency outage and disaster planning scenarios.
  • Elevation profile, distance, and direction to serving cell: plan your technology deployment with detailed information on terrain and distances, and optimal antenna height and azimuth for aiming equipment at the tower.
  • Report preparation: extensive graphical mapping features allow for the easy generation of connectivity reports, including ability to assess sites in bulk.

“The Powertec team are proud to be building technologies that help change the way our nation connects. Australia is an incredibly big place. The connectivity challenges that our remote communities face can be vastly different to those in dense urban areas, and different still to those working in construction and mining projects. But before we can fix any problem, we first must understand it.”, said Doug Pukallus, Chief Technical Officer at Powertec.

“It has been an absolute privilege to develop the NCM. I am excited to see how our valued partners put it to use in both solving our country’s connectivity challenges and developing new technologies from its insights.”
Discover how the National Coverage Model can transform your business by visiting the website at https://coverage.powertec.com.au


NCM - National LTE
National LTE Map


NCM - Queensland Neighbourhood With Bad Mobile Coverage
Queensland Neighbourhood With Bad Mobile Signal Coverage


NCM - 3D View Path Profile Telstra 5G
3D View Path Profile Telstra 5G


NCM - Mine Site Poor Cellular Coverage
Mine Site Poor Cellular Coverage



Media Contact:
Richard Unwin
Head of Marketing, Powertec Wireless Technology




Powertec provides full network design